From the Skydiving EP (2023)
Follow The Evidence
A: E F# A
B: E F#m A
Annie believes in unicorns.
Fanny believes in fairies.
Sonny believes the son of a god
Was born of a virgin called Mary.
Gerry believes in Golden Plates.
Kenny believes in Karma.
Ernie believes essential oils
Are gonna save us from Big Pharma.
Ronnie believes in Reiki.
Cindy believes in crystals.
Gary believes that the government’s
“Gonna come ‘n take away his pistols.”
Willie believes in Wotan.
Toni believes in thetans.
Joel Osstien would have you believe
All your money will save you from Satan.
How do we tell who’s right?
There’s an easy method if you’re on the fence:
If you want to know what’s real
Follow the evidence.
When the Old Testament god was through
Killing you and your family he was done at least,
But torture forever in the afterlife?
Well, that took the Prince of Peace.
If an empty tomb convinces you;
I had a billion dollars in my wallet.
If your god is real let’s hit the roulette wheel
You pray for the numbers and I’ll call ‘em.
In fact, let’s jump out of an airplane!
I’ll wear a parachute and you just pray.
Which of the two of us’ll splat like goo,
And which one’ll walk away?
Come to think of it, if you had the power to heal
Wouldn’t you cure all diseases,
Instead of healing random prostitutes?
And if you would aren’t you better than Jesus?
How do we tell what’s right?
There’s an easy method if you’re on the fence:
If you want to know what’s real
Follow the evidence.
In a world where teachers get their heads cut off
For showing a picture of Muhammad.
In a world where people drink poison
Trying to hitch a ride on a comet.
In a world where women join NXIVM
thinking the leader’s got a higher understanding,
Only to end up forced to have sex with him,
They sought to better their brand and got branded.
In a world where the Church lures little boys in
To Sunday services with milk and a cookie,
So Father O’Malley can cleanse their sins
And into the bargain get a little bit of nookie.
In a world where twenty-first-century
Women in Rwanda are burned as witches;
(Where in the) jungles of Burma the Rohingya
Are burned alive and thrown in ditches.
How do we tell right from wrong?
There’s an easy method if you’re on the fence:
If you want to know what’s right,
Follow the evidence.
Reality is that which doesn’t go away
The minute you stop believing.
You can pretend there’s an afterlife
But there are healthier ways to deal with grieving.
Does your favorite book lose its value
Just because it has an ending?
So why should your life stop meaning anything
The minute you stop pretending?
How do we tell right from wrong?
There’s an easy method if you’re on the fence:
If you want to know the truth
Follow the evidence.
Give us relief from belief.
Follow the evidence.
Cut yourself loose from your guru.
Follow the evidence.
Say goodbye to your rabbi
Follow the evidence
Say “Masalam!” to your Imam
Follow the Evidence
Get yourself released from your priest.
Follow the evidence.
Put your pastor out to pasture.
Follow the evidence.
How do we tell right from wrong?
There’s an easy method if you’re on the fence:
If you want to know the truth
Follow the evidence.
© 2021, Zubsongs, Ltd.