sonata for hope (2024)
Sonata for Hope is a piece in sonata form for chamber ensemble that I wrote as a submission to the SOLI ensemble’s call for scores for their 30X30X30 festival. Here are the program notes:
The piece is dedicated to children in war-torn parts of the world who are suffering the violence and trauma wrought by religious indoctrination. The sonata form, with its balanced structure, symbolizes the hope that the uncritical acceptance of bigotry, tribalism, and matryrdom to which children in religious schools are subject will be replaced with a reason-based and rational education rooted in science, social justice, creativity, and critical thinking. The piece sets a diffident theme in C-minor against a passionate theme in Eb-, and later C-lydian, evoking the ups and downs of childhood and a bright hope for a secular future.
Music by Micheal Johnson.
Piano, flute, clarinet, violin, and cello - The Reclinerland Symphony Orchestra
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Michael Johnson at Reclinerland HQ in January, 2024.
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