in memory of the victims of religious violence (single) (2024)

In Memory of the Victims of Religious Violence is a piece in sonata form for string orchestra that I wrote as a submission to the Zicato Music composing competition.

I don’t know how anyone can take sides in the current Israel-Palestinian conflict as though it’s some sporting event. There is no “good guy” in this conflict. There is no “bad guy.” There is no oppressed and no oppressor. Both sides have blood on their hands. Both sides are culpable.

While of course not the only factor, religion is at the heart of this conflict. One side believes they are the “chosen people.” They worship a fictional, jealous, genocidal, megalomaniacal being who, among other things, endorses slavery, the subjugation of women, child genital mutilation, and the murder of homosexuals and disobedient children. One of their holidays even celebrates the (fictional) murder of Egyptian babies. The other side follows a religion founded by a murdering child rapist pedophile who wrote in their “holy” book, along with injunctions to murder non-believers and the endorsement of sex with pre-pubescent girls, express instructions to murder Jews. They elected leaders who have in their charter the clearly stated goal of annihilating the Jews.

While these beliefs aren’t directly responsible for the conflict, at the root of the conflict are mistaken beliefs shared by both parties. The key mistaken belief that fuels the conflict from the Right-wing Israeli government is that the things that supposedly happened on that land, as depicted in their fictional book, actually happened, which in turn gives them a right to that land. The key mistaken belief on the Palestinian side is that the things that happened on that land, as depicted in their fictional holy book, actually happened, along with the injunction that they should annihilate the Jews, both of which give them a right to that land. Until both parties relinquish these harmful and untrue beliefs and see each other as human beings instead of enemies of their nonexistent deities, the conflict will continue. Both parties believe nonsense for no good reason, and children are dying because of it. It needs to stop.

My heart goes out to all the people who have lost their lives because of these immoral, outdated, harmful, and untrue beliefs. We need peace. The only way to achieve peace is to abandon religious belief and work toward a secular world. Let this music be part of my contribution.


Music by Micheal Johnson.
Violins, violas, cellos, basses - The Reclinerland Symphony Orchestra

Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Michael Johnson at Reclinerland HQ in January, 2024.
© 2024, Zubsongs, Ltd.