
What Was She Doing On The Shore That Night? (2006)

by Parks & Recreation

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Joe Ballman - bass, guitars, vocals, tenor saxophone
Anthony Georgis - drums, computer effects, noises
Bob Ham - drums
Jason Hughes - guitars
Michael Johnson - vocals, guitars, pianos, Rhodes 73

Sebastian Bibb-Barrett - trumpet
Dan Evans - trombone
Sandra Ling - violin
Jody Morrissette - violin
Amanda Lawrence - viola
Larry Wright - cello
Kaitlyn Ni Donovan - additional vocals

Adam Selzer - engineering
Chad Crouch - additional mixing
Rob Jones - mastering

Basic tracks recorded at Type Foundry in Portland, OR between March and October 2004 with Adam Selzer engineering. Additonal overdubs, orchestral tracks, and mixing completed in Spring 2005 at House of Pixels and at Hush HQ by Parks & Recreation and Chad Crouch.

Mastered by Rob Jones at Jealous Butcher.

Orchestral arrangements by Michael Johnson and Joe Ballman.

All songs ©2005 Zubsongs, Ltd.: Music by Ballman, Georgis, Ham, Hughes, and Johnson. Lyrics by Johnson.