Vocals: Michael Johnson
Additional Vocals: Kaitlyn Ni Donovan
Piano: Jenny Conlee

Recorded in 2007/2008 In Jenny Conlee’s living room and at Reclinerland HQ in Portland, OR. Mixed and mastered by Michael Johnson and Scott Garred.


Claude Gabon’s love interest Marie Rosalie Désirée Amélie Archambeau browsing through books on the Seine moments before the events of the song.

In the bustling streets of 1900s Paris, songwriter Claude Gabon found himself desperately enamored by the enchanting Marie Rosalie Désirée Amélie Archambeau. Despite his terrible French, Claude mustered the courage to express his feelings for her, when Marie Rosalie issued him a playful challenge: "Write me a song, Claude," she teased. Overcome with desire for her, Claude’s head erupted with melodies and verses that formed into a complete song. Taking her question to be an indication of her romantic interest for him, right there on the spot he sang for Marie Rosalie a song that captured the essence of his love for her. As the final verse came from his lips, Claude nervously leaned in to kiss Marie Rosalie, his heart beating with anticipation. However, her response was not what he had hoped for. With a gentle smile, Marie thanked Claude for the beautiful melody but gently declined his romantic advances, insisting that she only wanted to be his friend. Though disheartened, Claude respected Marie's decision, thinking perhaps that their connection was meant to be expressed through music, rather than romance. And so, Claude Gabon continued to wander the streets of Paris penning songs like “Il Fait Calme”, weaving tales of unrequited love and fleeting moments in the City of Lights.