church, mosque, church, mosque, mosque, church, mosque
A: D G D
B: A G D
Church, Mosque, Church, Mosque, Mosque, Church, Mosque Döner place!
Church, Mosque, Church, Mosque, Mosque, Church, Mosque Döner place!
We’re standing on the border of Europe and Asia.
We’re standing with the tall grass at our feet.
There’s a castle on the hill, come on I’ll race ya!
I want to float on my back in the black Black Sea.
Hear the mewing of the stray cats under the tables.
Hear the moaning of the beggars in the alleyways.
Catch the calls from the stalls and the market stables.
Another prayer call crawls out over the bay.
See the colored glass drip from the ceiling.
See the ladies say prayers behind dark screens.
At the front end the men bend over the carpet,
Singing sweet supplications to the East.
We’re counting the ships slipping into the harbor.
What color crayon would you use to color the waves?
What’s the pinkish tinge you see all over?
Is this the spot where Trojan War once raged?
Here’s the room where the Sultan’s sons were strangled.
But not before they let them finish their tea.
From the palace where the walls sprawl at odd angles
You could almost throw a rock into the Marmara Sea.
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