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THAt’s it! show’s over! go home!

A: Gm7 Cm7 F7(b9) Bbmaj7
G7 Cm7 F7(b9)

A: BbM7 Cm7 Fm9
Gm7 Cm7 BbM7

B: EbM7 Fm7 EbM7 Fm7
Cm7 Fm69 Bb7
EbM7 Fm7 EbM7 Fm7
Cm7 Fm69

Now the plot is all tied up
The lovers are together.
At curtain it was all balls-up
Now everything is better.

Proving once again
The greatest medicine is laughter
Ain’t it nice to witness, friends,
A “happy ever after?”

Sure, it took some time. Whatever! All roads lead to Rome.
That’s It! Show’s Over! Go Home!

You laughed. You cried. It sure beat Cats.
You witnessed quite a hot kiss.
Now we’re done, that’s that.
And like the guy in Browning’s “Prospice,”

We bravely face the fog. Don’t scoff!
And please don’t try to stop us.
After all, we pulled it off
The show wasn’t a flop. Plus,

You learned more lessons than you’d learn from any dusty tome.
Now that’s it! Show’s over! Go home!

Now we can move on, depart in peace,
Set free the horses.
We're off to our reward. Our time has come.
We’ve run our courses.

Here we take our final bow.
We board the train for glory.
Our number’s up, my friends, ciao ciao!
We’re wrapping up the story.

We’re going south. This bird has flown.
So that’s it! Show’s over! Go home!
You’ve got husbands. You’ve got wives.
You’ve got jobs. You’ve got lives.
You’ve got crosswords to puzzle.
Significant others to nuzzle.
You’ve got taxes, God forbid.
You’ve got parents. You’ve got kids.
You’ve got people to care for.
You’ve got prospects to prepare for.

Well? What are you waiting for?
Let’s go! Get off your tuchus!
Didn’t you enjoy the show?
So show us! Make a ruckus!

Everyone here on the stage
Will soon be getting  off it.
Tell your friends about the show
So we can make a profit.

Wrap your jackets ‘round your backs! Clap hats upon your domes!
That’s it! Show’s over! Go home!

Words & Music by Michael Johnson
© 2013 Zubsongs, Ltd. (revised version © 2023)