Reclinerland (2011)
what girl wants a man who’s always waiting for the bus
What girl wants a man who's always waiting for the bus?
It's hard to look debonair with the rain in your thinning hair.
Fixing my eyes on the horizon,
In search of the yellow marquee.
Weary, weather beaten, and wizened,
I'm stuck here
Waiting for the 40
To carry me homeward.
What girl wants a man like me?
What girl wants a man who forgets his umbrella
On a wet night like tonight with no bus in sight,
Locking eyes with a girl in the window
Of a small black peugeot passing by?
She turns to the driver, her beau.
They each wear one earpiece
From a pair of ear bud headphones.
I wonder what kind of music she likes.
If there's such a girl in the world please introduce me.
We could stand here looking odd
Like two p's in "ipod"
Fixing our eyes on the horizon.
Here comes the yellow marquee.
With fingers entwined we could wait here
Bus lumbers up to us,
Sliding its doors open,
We could snuggle in the old people seats.
What girl wants a man like me?
© 2010 zubsongs, ltd.