Love Letter to the South EP (2020)
what now?
What now?
Now that we’ve met?
Now that the sun comes up for me
And for you it sets.
We’re an ocean apart
And yet we’re so close.
Our heart-to-hearts
Go through the post.
What now?
Is 12 weeks a year
Enough time to share our hopes and dreams
Passions and fears?
Will we miss the every day
Glances and gestures;
Every day struggles and pressures?
I never wanted a long-distance love.
I want to touch with both fingers and words.
I don’t get off by keeping a girl at bay.
I want to cook with you, clean with you, cuddle,
Give you massages, fill up your cup.
I want to argue, only to then make up.
What now?
Love can’t subsist
On letters and FaceTime calls,
Yet can we resist?
I have to believe
We’ll make it work somehow.
The question is, “How?”
What now?
words and music by Michael Johnson
©2020 Zubsongs, Ltd.