Song Catalog, New EP, Hermans Throo Osmosis

Hello again! Lots of news to tell you about.

First, the song catalog is complete, except for maybe the 28 songs in Happy Valley. Those will come once I get the lyrics. Copying and pasting them from the script creates spacing problems that will make designing the pages difficult. It will happen!

Second, a new EP is available on George Recordings. The Love Letter to the South EP, featuring the poetic stylings of Melanie Masson. The album tells a brief tale of love and loss. You know how it goes. The songs are written in torch song format. I think you’ll enjoy it.

Third, my good friends whom I’ve known for years—Anthony who has been a member of almost every band I’ve ever been in, Chris, who has played guitar on almost every album I’ve ever recorded, and Ron, who has mixed or mastered almost everything I’ve done—and I have reunited in song. We played in a band together in high school called the Hermans Throo Osmosis. During the confinement this past March, we got together virtually and created a new album. It’s coming out on Bandcamp and Spotify and other retailers, but you can listen to it here first. It’s called The Hermans Throo Osmosis vs The End of the World. And isn’t it true?

Other than that, I’m keeping on, my friends. Summerhaven is coming along, I have a book coming out next month, and I’ve got another epic EP in the works called Year Zero. Soon, Chris will be finished with the guitar tracks for the Parks & Recreation album, and I can contact my old buddy Jarkko for some additional dubbing and mixing. Hopefully that P&R album will be finished sometime next year. If you want to read about it, visit the archive blog in the Parks & Recreation section.

That’s all for now! More later.