Regarding The Ideal Home Music Library, Vol. 2, part 4

I'm playing with fonts now. I kind of like this one.

I got home today after my meeting with Darrell Grant and filled out the introduction to Up On The Orange Moon. It went slowly, but I already had the melody from this morning, so that sped things up a bit. It was just a matter of figuring out the texture I was hearing .For that I leafed through the Schumann music I had been listening to to find the texture I wanted. I found something similar to what I was hearing, and started playing with it. In the end I got what I wanted. Now I have the first 4 bars of piano written. Yay! It took two hours (4 bars in two hours?!) Plus I had to take it to work with me because I had trouble with one chord. That's the part I always dread about writing piano music. I can get hung up for an hour on 1 measure, trying to find on the keyboard that thing that I'm hearing or else trying to carve out all the possiblities and then settle on one. If I had perfect pitch, like my friend Dave Depper, or even Darrell Grant, I could just know what I'm hearing and jot it down. Oh well. At least I'm hearing something. And, I am getting faster. So, onward!