Super XX Man
My good friend Scott Garred and I have started work in earnest on a collaboration album: ten songs that explore the themes of spirituality, and, in my case, lack of spirituality. This album will mark the first time, as far as I know, that a Christian and an atheist musician have come together to make music. So far, the songs on the album feature a nice tension between plaintive paeans to the Christian god that celebrate faith, and prickly polemics denouncing religious belief of any kind that celebrate science, reason, and the beauty of the natural world. All in all, it’s a nice, and very important, conversation.
We had been passing ideas back and forth since December 2020, and this summer we got together in Scott’s home studio in San Francisco to lay down the groundwork for the songs. It was an absolute thrill for me to play music with Scott again. We both played all of the different instruments and supported each other to bring out the best in each other’s songs. We even wrote a couple of songs together.
Just to give you a taste, here are some super rough mixes.