Reclinerland Discography Available Now!

Hi, Everyone! I’m so pleased to announce that George Recordings has finally released worldwide the entire Reclinerland discography on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and many many other digital retailers and streaming platforms. You can now acquire mp3 versions of whichever Reclinerland album you want. You can stream them on Spotify or buy them on Amazon or Apple Music and download them to your primitive MP3 player. However you want them, you can get Reclinerland music here or here. You can get Parks & Recreation music here or here.

To save you some time, I went ahead and made a Spotify playlist of the entire Reclinerland and Parks & Recreation catalog. It also includes music by Blanket Music, Super XX Man, and loads of other projects I’ve been involved in. You’ll find lots of HUSH and Jealous Butcher records compilations on this playlist as well. Go get yourself some!